What is user-centered design?Designing and developing good solutions to simple problems is often a laborious process. User-centered design is a method to streamline this process and arrive at a user-friendly result in partial steps. This article concisely explains this method and describes how to put the user at the center of your communication design. User-centered design is an ISO standard defined as a method or approach to achieving a usable system. UCD contributes to increasing the usability of your product and is useful for different disciplines of design. How does this process work and how can user-centered design contribute to usable design? The User Centered ProcessExperience design is an iterative process. User-centered design does not stop when an application or Web site is delivered. Monitor the website continuously and embed it into the process. The market changes, user needs change, so does the effectiveness of your application.
Why user- centered design?
Analyze the user
Start qualitative research such as focus groups, card sort research (when you want to logically group your data), A/B/C testing or scenario testing. Product roadmap prioritizationThe product roadmap prioritization is a visualization of a product’s vision, direction and progress, plotted over time. Too often people prioritize in the delusion of the day. This makes the last idea seem the most important. The result is that people work on all sorts of things at once. A product roadmap is not set in stone but should help to respond to changing customer feedback and changes in the market. You do this by weighing new insights against items on the roadmap. Should we move with it or stick to our plan? So it is primarily a communication tool. How to use the product roadmapProduct owners use the product roadmap prioritization to foster collaboration with the development team, and it helps them reach consensus on how the product will evolve over time. In doing so, it strengthens the connection between teams and stakeholders. Teams sometimes have no idea why they are working on certain user stories. With a good product roadmap, you show the bigger picture. To get you started, here are our tips for a good product roadmap prioritization.